Name: Niklas Gustavsson
Age: 18
Where u from?: Sweden
Tell us a little about ure self: Im a very active WoW player and raider.
Classe and what spec?: Hunter, BM 41/20/0
Is this ure main? Got any alts at lvl 70?: Yep. its my main. got a 70 druid on this server aswell.
How long have u played?: Ive played for about 3 years now.
What raid experience do u have? Ever been riad leader?: Pre-tbc experience: Onyxia, MC, BWL, ZG,AQ20, AQ40, 10 Bosses in naxx. TBC: Kara, SCC, TK, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon, MH and BT up to Mother Shahraz. (did all that on another character obviously)
Why did u leave ure old guild?: got kinda bored of my orc rogue
Why do u want to join CO?: I want to join a fairly serious raiding guild and my friend Yrracs recommended this one.
When can u raid during the week?: I can raid everyday.
Armory link:
If you have any questions just send me a whisper :>